I have to write about something that really bothers me... not like im thinking about it everyday, all the time and im just angry constantly, but when it does come up, I kinda want to punch people.
I really hate when people say things aren't going to happen.
for instance, with finnys dmd, he will absolutely be in a wheelchair one day, there are no treatments available and that is just the natural progression of the disease. so as a mother of a child with such an awful diagnosis, I have to embrace it, I need to be aware and accept whats going to happen, if I don't, then everytime something does happen, it will be devastation all over again. so when we first found out he had it and we were explaining to family and friends what it was and what would happen and people say 'oh, he wont be in a wheelchair,' it makes me want to punch them in their stupid face. and I know that most of the time theyre just trying to say comforting things, or theyre trying to make an awkward conversation a little less awkward, but it makes me feel that they feel that I have no hope or optimism in my sons fate.
I actually had one person tell me that if I had enough faith in the lord that my son would be ok. now im not saying that I don't pray for a cure every night, and that I don't pray that my son will be saved from this horrible disease daily, because I do. but for someone to tell me that if im good enough finny will be saved is kinda like saying that if he isn't, that I didn't pray hard enough, or have enough faith.
it just really bothers me that people can so casually say that things are or aren't going to happen... of course its so easy for you to say, 'no, he wont be in a wheelchair,' because its not your reality. your son isn't the one affected. to protect my own sanity I need to acknowledge what will happen and your simple dismissal of my concerns truly makes me want to hit you. instead of saying he wont be in a wheelchair, say 'itll be the most awesome effing wheelchair any kid could ever have.'
I wish I would have thought of that to say! That's literally the best response ever.