my sweet baby boy was diagnosed with microcephaly, hypotonia, and now duchenne muscular dystrophy. after searching for some support, i realized there werent many happy stories out there, so here i am to tell you the story of my happy happy baby.

Monday, March 4, 2013

true king of hugdom.

my happy baby gives THE BEST hugs.  like seriously, if you hugged, or rather, let him hug you, you would have no choice but to agree that he is the true king of hugdom.  not that my big boy isnt also a fantastic hugger, he is just a three year that has a lot more important things to do these days that do not include hugging mommy.  legos are far more enticing than mom...

let me see if i can put into words the awesomeness that is a finny hug.

when you pick up this sweet little cuddly man, hes all warm and still definitely has that fantastic baby smell which of course is intoxicating.  if youve never smelled the baby smell, you are definitely missing out and you should go and seek out a baby today.  maybe you could go to babies r us or something and deeply inhale as you walk awkwardly close to a baby in a stroller...  it would be worth the mama bear glares that you will no doubt receive. 

BUT, back to the hugging talents of my sweet love.

hes warm, he smells delicious and once he gets up close to you, he curls his whole body around you.  he hugs with his entire being.  his arms wrap around your neck and shoulder and it is snug, not so tight as some overzealous toddlers that for some reason think that a hug should resemble a strangle in some way, but snug like you know he truly wants to be hugging you.  even his little hands are in on the action, extending the hug to the tips of his body.  and those slightly chubby little legs are wrapped around you as well.  and then finally, his head is nuzzled in so sweetly, you cant help but fall in love with him all over again and hope that this hug never ends. 

and finally, while youre standing there in love with this baby and his hug, and thinking that it couldnt possibly get any better, you realize that you were so wrong...  he makes the sweetest most adorable cooing sigh of content.  and if youre lucky, you might even get the sweet 'i yah you,' out of him.  i cant think of anything better.

i hope that i can always remember how these baby hugs feel. 

                                          finny cuddled in with aunt heather at the beach  :)

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