my sweet baby boy was diagnosed with microcephaly, hypotonia, and now duchenne muscular dystrophy. after searching for some support, i realized there werent many happy stories out there, so here i am to tell you the story of my happy happy baby.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


so the hubs work switched insurance companies and I feel like ive been on the phone with them almost everyday.  feels like I just got used to the old one and now I have to learn a whole new system.  its kinda funny, im 31 years old, im married with two kids and the thing that has made me really feel like an adult is fighting my insurance company.  ha!  i mean, its not that bad...  i just know that for things that will be extra expensive, i have to call and find out what hoops exactly i need to jump through and when.  we don't want to be stuck with some outrageous bill because i did the steps out of order...  tricksy little insurances...

and keeping my insurance theme going, ive still been trying to get finny on Medicaid.  theres a bunch of different waivers and things you can apply for, some take years to get on, and some are much faster, and by much faster i mean like within a year...  its still the government.  but ive found out which one he needs now.  woohoo!

so anyway, i find the waiver application online and im going through it, filling it out, and i get to that part that is specifically about the person in the household that needs the supplemental medical insurance.  so basically it shows the names of everyone in the house and theres options below each name, 'disabled', and 'not disabled.' 

my first instinct was to click 'not disabled' for everyone in my family...  but then i had to really think about it.  and i know, it should seem totally obvious, my son has a disability, therefore he is disabled.  but it wasn't.  somehow it seemed like lying to say he was disabled.  yeah, he doesn't walk as well as other kids, he falls down a lot, and gets a little more tired than others, but that doesn't make him disabled.  but he is. 

i guess ive never had to actually think or say 'my child is disabled.'  it seems not so bad to say that he has a disability, like its just a part of him, not who he is... 

i did not like clicking that option.

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