ok so we went on a sweet little vacay that for two weeks so ive totally been mia.
but we're back!
the dermatologist went pretty well, much better than our appt with the first, she didnt think his giant birthmark was Beckers Nevus which is what the first dermatologist decided that it was after looking at it for all of two seconds.
the new pediatric derm thinks that it is probably just a birthmark and nothing more, especially since i have 8+ birthmarks myself and those things are genetic. but just as a precaution we do have an appt with the eye dr to rule out the possibility that it could be Neurofibromatosis. i guess theres a way to check something in his eyes that might rule it out. at least until january when we see the genetic specialist, then im sure he will be more thoroughly checked out.
in other news. finny hates a long car ride. our drive to florida was not the most pleasant experience for anyone, a screaming baby tends to make everyone a little tense. he did love the beach and played like it was his job. it was awesome.
ill come back and edit later if anything comes of the eye dr, although im really expecting it to be totally normy.
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